Thursday, July 17, 2008


I have this email address that I got like two years ago. My friend wanted me to get it so that she could chat with me. I never chatted and never used the email. I even forgot that I had it until now when I happened to click on the link on my sidebar by accident. It was a wonder that I even remembered my user name and password, but I logged in. There were eighty-four spam messages! Eighty-four! Have you ever heard of so much spam in your life? I never even gave anyone the email address! The funny thing is that the server advertises less spam. HA! I've gotten at least one (if not five) everyday since June 15th. And that's only because they delete spam that has been in the spam folder more that thirty days.

I don't know why I just told you all that, but I did. So there. Goodbye.

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